


Department of 安全 and 环保合规



化学品泄漏 will inevitably occur and personnel should be properly trained to recognize the hazards associated with the spill, minimize the spill and to notify to proper response personnel when necessary.

Initial response to a chemical spill should include:

  • Alert others in the area of the incident
  • 撤离并保护该地区

A chemical spill is classified as an Emergency Spill when it:

  • Alert others in the area of the incident
  • 撤离并保护该地区

A chemical spill is classified as an Emergency Spill when it:

  • Causes personal injury or chemical exposure that requires medical attention
  • Causes a fire hazard or uncontrollable volatility
  • Requires a need for self-contained or supplied air breathing apparatus to handle the 所涉及的材料
  • Involves or contaminates public area
  • Causes airborne contamination that requires local or building evacuation
  • Causes damage to property that will require repairs
  • Involves any quantity of metallic mercury
  • Cannot be properly handled due to a lack or properly trained personnel and/or equipment to perform a safe, effective clean up
  • 需要长时间的清理
  • 涉及一种未知物质

General Plan of Action During a 化学 Spill:

  • 不要惊慌
  • Alert other people of the problem and evacuate to a place of safety. 如果时间允许的话 and a chemical fume hood is available, open the face completely and turn on to help 使该区域通风. If windows are available, open them.
  • Contact University Police (460-6312) or your Facility’s Security Department for help 确保该区域的安全.
  • Remove any injured person to fresh air and begin decontamination on them and yourself 在必要的.
  • Remove any contaminated clothing. Flush skin and eyes with tepid water for a minimum 15分钟. Use soap for final cleaning of the skin.
  • If flammable vapors are involved, do not operated electrical switches unless to turn 非机动设备. If safe to do so, try to turn off or remove any heat sources.
  • Check SDS for proper procedures before starting any clean up procedures.
  • Do not touch the spill without protective gloves and clothing.
  • If the spill does not present an immediate danger to life and health, try to control 泄漏的范围. Try not to allow the material to escape into the floor drains.
  • 从来没有 assume gases or vapors do not exist or are harmless because of a lack of smell. 许多 chemicals anesthetize the nose and the sense of smell is eliminated.