
联邦工作研究(FWS) is a program that provides part-time jobs to eligible students through on or off campus opportunities. 学生 必须 have FWS listed on their aid offers in 爪子 to participate in this program.

FWS is a need based part-time work program which allows students to earn money to 帮助支付教育费用. 学生 必须 indicate on their FAFSA that they are interested in FWS in order to be considered. FWS student employees will be paid twice per month and are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week. 

The amount shown on the student's aid offers in 爪子 is the maximum amount available to earn while participating in the FWS program. FWS will not be available at registration for the payment of fees. 


FWS: Frequently Asked Questions

我得到了FWS的邀请. 我有多少FWS?
The amount you are authorized to earn is listed on your Aid Offer in 爪子. 你可能 work and earn up to the total FWS amount listed for each term, and may not exceed 这一数额. 
$9.25 per hour for on-campus FWS; $10 per hour for off-campus FWS.
学生 are paid bi-weekly for actual hours worked. 发薪日是每隔一个星期五. Time sheets 必须 be signed by the student and supervisor, and they 必须 be submitted to Payroll by the Friday before payday.
Available jobs are listed in Handshake. Select a job, note the supervisor and location, then contact the supervisor to request an interview. For more information on accessing Handshake and the job selection process, click 在这里.
▼   W在这里 are the jobs located?
Jobs are located on the USA campus, in Mobile County public elementary schools or with various community service partners. The job listing will indicate the location.
▼   Can I have more than one job on campus or through FWS?
Yes, you may have a Work-Study job as well as a Student Assistant job.