5 Things to Know 十大彩票网投平台 Monday's Solar Eclipse


Dr. 艾伯特Gapud data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. 艾伯特Gapud is an associate professor in the 物理系 at the University 南阿拉巴马州.

On Monday, 2024年4月8日, a large swath of the United States 将 experience a total 日食. Dr. 阿尔伯特一个. Gapud, associate professor in the University of 南 亚拉巴马州 物理系 whose courses include Introduction to Astronomy, offers five things to know:

  • The moon’s 100-mile-wide shadow 将 be traveling from Mexico to Maine 不到两个半小时. 大约12:30开始.m. 中央时间是一条狭窄的“小路” of totality” 将 travel across at least 10 states and cities including Dallas, Indianapolis 和克利夫兰. Those within the path of totality 将 experience a virtual nighttime 持续至少四分钟. 在 that time, nighttime creatures emerge, streetlights turn on, the temperature drops significantly and a “360-degree sunset” is visible.   
  • Total 日食s are a once-in-a-lifetime event and one of nature’s most spectacular shows. 不会有另一个全太阳能 eclipse significantly visible from the United States for another 21 years — Aug. 12, 准确地说是2045年. 那就是日全食的路径 通过莫比尔. Although 日食s happen somewhere in the world every two years, a total 日食 in one region generally only repeats every 54 years. 这就是所谓的“沙罗系列”.  
  • 莫比尔将会看到日偏食, reaching a maximum of 75 percent just before 2 p.m. 在日全食的路径之外, almost the entire country 将 see at least a partial coverage of the sun. 在 those 2 1/2 hours, Mobile 将 witness the moon moving in front of the sun from 12:34 p.m. 直到下午3:12.m., reaching 75 percent coverage at 1:54 p.m. 在这个层面上,休闲 observers may not notice enough drop in brightness or temperature to know that an 日食甚至发生了.
  • Caution: Even during a partial eclipse, it is never safe to look directly at the sun即使戴着墨镜. Only during totality is it safe enough to look directly toward the sun, and that 将 not happen in Mobile. 在日偏食期间,即使是一条银条 of unblocked sunlight is still dangerous to view. 观察太阳的两种安全方法是 by projecting its image using a pinhole camera, or by wearing special, ISO-certified solar-viewing护目镜.
  • 学生, faculty and staff are invited to experience the partial eclipse on campus. Weather-permitting, from noon until 2 p.m. 大学社区被邀请参加 visit the second-floor entrance of the Marx Library for “Solar Eclipse of the Marx” -信息和观看会议. Certified solar-viewing护目镜 将 be provided 供应不足时. The pinhole-camera projection method 将 also be demonstrated as 将 a brief presentation on how and why a 日食 occurs. 披萨,柠檬水 水也会被提供. 欲了解更多详情,请联系 gapud@offdawallmusiq.com or sonjasheffield@offdawallmusiq.com .


