Grade Point Average (平均绩点) Calculator

The University of 南 Alabama uses a 4.0级量表.  The 平均绩点 used to determine academic standing and honors is based on coursework completed at the University of 只在南阿拉巴马州.  学生 may access their unofficial transcript on PAWs to view their current 平均绩点 as of the last completed semester.  The 平均绩点 calculator provided below can be a handy planning tool for helping students determine the grades needed to improve their 平均绩点 or to reach a desired 平均绩点 goal.  Note: Grade replacement is not figured into the calculation.  Please check with your academic advisor if you have questions regarding 平均绩点.  学生 may use the 平均绩点计算器 to project their current semester’s 平均绩点 and overall Institutional 平均绩点. Access the 平均绩点计算器.